Our Mission
Produce premium beef products that improve your quality of life while promoting sustainable land management practices and conserving the open, natural landscapes that define the American West.
About Us
We are Konrad and Paul Hafen. From the time we were young, we grew up working on the ranch with our dad and grandpa. We grew to love the work and the landscapes. With many of the ranchers we know getting older and thinking about the future we want to preserve the open, natural landscapes of southern Utah so that others can experience and enjoy these treasures that are becoming rarer every day.
That’s why we started Hafen Beef. To connect others with the land and the work we love, and to create more opportunities for our families to learn hard work and connect with the land. By raising beef on these landscapes and buying beef from like-minded producers we can bring you a premium food that supports natural landscapes and the producers that work on them.

The Ranch
The ranch has been in the Hafen family for over 100 years, since the early 1900s. For a long time, it was a cow-calf operation, where heifers were bred and their calves sold as stockers or feeders after they were weaned.
As the population of southern Utah grew and much of the land where the cattle wintered was developed into housing, our cattle herd shrunk and eventually disappeared. For about 20 years we maintained the land and leased the pasture to other producers.
Now we’re buying grass-fed cattle from neighboring producers, finishing those cattle on our lush pastures, and bringing the products straight to you!
Our Beef
Hafen Beef is raised on natural, open landscapes on natural forage. Cows have been bred and evolved to eat and digest grass and we believe that happy grass-fed cows make the best beef and that happy cows get to live their lives outside of feedlots.
When you buy from us you’re getting beef that has been raised on our ranch or by other ranchers that share our values and are committed to conserving our natural places.

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